True Reliance

Scripture: Jeremiah 49

I’d be the first to admit that Jeremiah is not such an easy book to read, less easier to digest. It features Israel turning away from God, despite Jeremiah’s prophecies. But this chapter is a whole new level of gloom and doom. It seemed like God is angry at everybody. After much reading and meditation, I think I’ve stumbled upon something that is probably not news to you guys… but still proves to be a veritable lesson we can apply to our lives today.

In this chapter, God talks about the devastation and destruction of 5 people groups: Ammonites, Edomites, Damascusians (I’m not so sure if this is even the right term for them) and Elamites. I thought it was “normal” destruction plot of idol-worshippers that the Old Testament has a lot of stories on. But I decided to dig deeper.

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Christmas Eve Post

Scripture Luke 2:1-20

We all know how the story goes. A carpenter, with his pregnant virgin wife, was on the way to this obscure town called Bethlehem because Emperor Caesar Augustus decided to turn the empire upside down by ordering everyone to have their census taken. Every inn, hotel and motel were fully booked. The only available place for them was a stable at some run-down inn. They graciously accepted and it was here that the Savior of mankind was born. Some shepherds were tending to their sheep in the middle of the night when a flash of blinding light and an angel appeared to them and announced the good news of the Messiah’s birth. All were amazed and astounded when the armies of heaven were rejoicing that they immediately got up and went to the manger to praise the King of kings.

I had this “been there done that” feeling when I was reading those passages. C’mon, who hasn’t heard of the nativity story? But then, I decided to pay more attention to the passages. I knew exegesis from my college theology classes would come in handy some day. LOL So I decided to perform a little exegesis and got 5 wonderful insights I’d like to share. It had blessed me immensely and I hope it would bless you as well.

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In But Not Of

Some want to live within the sound of Church or Chapel bell; I want to run a rescue shop… within a yard of hell. – C.T. Studd

I tried thinking of things to blog about today when I came across this quote. It can summarize what I feel about my faith. Eversince I was a kid, I’ve always been hanging out with unbelievers.

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Life is BOOTY-ful

Scripture: Jeremiah 45

It’s a short chapter in the book but has a chock full of insights. To give you a background, the chapter is all about Baruch (son of Neriah) who is feeling a little bit despondent about the things happening around him. Who wouldn’t? I mean, if there was a looming threat over the city and I knew of its impending doom, I’d be freaking out as well. After Jerusalem’s destruction in chapter 39, he had been accused by the remaining leaders of wanting to hand them over to the Chaldeans (chapter 43). Add to the fact that they are all in exile en route to Egypt when God made it clear through Jeremiah (chapter 44) that they would all die if they did. If there were any more reasons to be depressed and hopeless, Baruch has it all.. which is probably why he said, “Ah, woe is me! For the Lord has added sorrow to my pain; I am weary with groaning and have found no rest.” To which the Lord asks:

Are you seeking great things for yourself?

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