Another Year

I just turned 29 exactly 12 days ago. Yeah it hasn’t sunk in yet. I’m in the last leg of officially being called a twenty-something.

But before you roll your eyes and tell me to wait until I get to my thirties, I’d like to reflect on  Year 28. Besides, it’s my blog, I can type what I want to… 😉

Calling it a roller coaster ride is one hell of an understatement. Not that it beat 2008 in the level of sucky-ness. But it is indeed a class of its own.

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The Antidote to Fear

“But Jesus, overhearing what was being spoken, said to the synagogue official, “Do not be afraid any longer, only believe.” (Mark 5:36)

Background text: Jairus, one of the synagogue officials, begged Jesus to come with him because his daughter in the brink of death. On the way, some synagogue officials met with them and told him not to bother Jesus anymore because it’s too late. His daughter died. Jesus said the verse above, proceeded to go to Jairus’ house and brought his daughter back to life.

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