Someone Like You

I must admit, for the past couple of days, I’ve been struggling to wake up early enough to do my morning Bible time. Those who know me know I’m not a morning person AT ALL. I usually hit the snooze button until just about the last second when I need to get up and go to work. But I’ve slowly been waking up early enough to do my chapter-a-day habit. For today’s chapter, these verses stuck out:

Such a confidence we have through Christ toward God. Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves but our adequacy is from God. (2 Cor 3:4-5)

It seems timely since I know a lot of people in ministry who struggle with feelings of inadequacy from time to time – this girl included. Yeah there are days when I question what I’m doing here and why me. I still remember telling a friend of mine last year that “I could never work for church…” and here I am in Oklahoma City with a platform that reaches hundreds of thousands of people. But I hold on to what God told me one afternoon when I find myself questioning Him for the nth time. “I don’t make mistakes, Jamie…”

I’m sure I’m not the only one. And you don’t have to be in ministry to think that way. Do you ever wonder how God can use someone like you? Do you feel that your past mistakes disqualify you from being used by God? Look at Moses. He murdered someone and tried to cover it up, yet he went on to lead an entire nation out of slavery. Do you feel like you don’t have the talent or skill useful enough for His purposes? Then you’re limiting our God. He’s bigger than our inadequacies. All He needs is a heart that will yield to Him.

I highly encourage you to check out Church Online ( on Saturday, April 14th, at 6:30pm CT, as we continue our Why Series with “Why Would God Use Someone Like Me?” Dude, if He can use someone like me, then I’m sure He can move mountains with you.

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