Filet-o-Fish Sandwich

Scripture: Matthew 14:13-21

It seems like everyone has heard this story in the Bible. 5 loaves + 2 fish + 5000 starving men = 12 baskets of leftovers. Yeah God’s math usually doesn’t add up.

You would’ve guess by now that I’m talking about the time Jesus fed the 5,000 who were following Him around. If you turn to verse 15, you’ll find that the disciples wanted to send the crowds away because: 1) place is desolate; 2) hour is late and 3) they only have 5 loaves and 3 fish – someone’s snack and definitely not enough to feed 5,000 people.

Do you ever feel that way sometimes? You’re in a really bad place and it is too late for you already. You only have a snippet of energy to get you going.  Or do you feel like you’ve wasted so many hours chasing worthless things that you barely have any emotional or spiritual nourishment left to fuel you through everyday life? Do you hunger for something out of life but you feel like you’ve passed it already? Maybe you don’t even want to strive anymore. You just want to survive..

You know what Jesus said?

Bring them here to Me.

Uh-huh. He will take whatever You have left. Those 5 loaves and 2 fishies that you’re holding on to and multiply them beyond your wildest dreams. BUT you have to take THAT step. You have to give it all to Him.

The coolest part about the whole thing? He will take the barely enough nourishment you’re holding on to and multiply them for other people to enjoy as well.

So take heart, breathe deep and take whatever you have left and lose it all to Him. He will give you back more than you’re asking for. And that’s math you can bet on.

Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it. – Matthew 10:38-39

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